Tesla (TSLA.O) rose more than 3%, and Morgan Stanley and Cantor Ftzgerald upgraded its rating.US Secretary of State Blinken: The Syrian people will decide the future of Syria.The Economic Affairs Committee of the Brazilian Senate approved Isabella Correa as the head of institutional relations of the Central Bank.
Latvian Foreign Minister Blase said, I am sure that we can cooperate with US Secretary of State Lu Biao.Norwegian Natural Gas Company: From December 11th to December 12th, Colesnes Natural Gas Treatment Plant stopped production 6 million cubic meters/day.US Secretary of State Blinken: The Syrian transition process should achieve credible, inclusive and non-sectarian governance.
Goldman Sachs CFO Coleman: The regulatory burden should be reduced during the term of President-elect Trump.The commodity currency NZD/USD fell by 1.0% to 0.5807.The New Zealand dollar fell 1% against the US dollar to 0.5804.